Hiring for Summer Camp & After School Jobs
Find prospective applicants for camp counselors, teacher’s assistants, leaders-in-training, internships, and more by posting summer camp and after school jobs on ActivityHero for free.
Why Post your Jobs & Internships on ActivityHero?
Finding applicants for camp counselors, activity bus drivers, and teaching positions has been challenging for many camp and after school businesses. To facilitate matching kids activity providers with prospective employees, ActivityHero launched a new category for jobs and internships. Reach students or experienced teachers in our marketplace for free!
Listing a job or internship opportunity on ActivityHero is quick and easy. Unlike general job boards that are saturated with jobs from every industry, these jobs are specifically for camp and after school businesses. Our marketplace is also a great place to share junior counselor or leader-in-training opportunities that would not get as many views on a job board.
Share your opportunities today
Posting summer camp and after school jobs on ActivityHero is a free service.
Get Started with a Free Listing
Create or claim your business page on ActivityHero for free. If you have a claimed business page, start here.
Fill out your business description
Share information about your business, including: contact information, camp location, photos, and social media.
Publish your paid or unpaid opportunity
ActivityHero will review your job listing and turn on the “request application” button within 24 hours.
Reach students or experienced teachers
Prospective applicants will fill out the inquiry form to learn more and you will get an email notification.
Hiring Resources
Staff Training Tips & Best Practices
This free kids activity provider workshop discussed different ways to conduct group training and self-paced training.
5 Ways to Recruit Stellar Summer-Camp Counselors
Families only have to fill out this one application to determine eligibility for any scholarship camp or class on ActivityHero.
Get Started Posting your Jobs & Internships
You can list open positions in the ActivityHero marketplace and begin to collect applications for free.
What can you sell on ActivityHero?
Summer & seasonal camps
After-school programs
Ongoing lessons
Unique family-oriented events
Live Online
Interactive classes
Social clubs
1v1 or small group instruction
Video tutorials
DIY activities
Printable worksheets
Success Stories
I recommend ActivityHero to all my franchisees because it's one of the most innovative ways to get new customers. We don't have to pay upfront, and there's only a fee when we get new customers. These customers have turned into repeat customers.
We’re Here to Help!
Contact us at (800) 437-6125 or submit the form below and we’ll be in touch.